One of the most dreaded topics in sales is what we will be discussing today: PROSPECTING. I read a fantastic book by Jeb Blount, and it’s called Fanatical Prospecting. Therefore, we are going to try something new today and give you a book review. So instead of taking my usual freelance route, I am going to read a little bit more. Please bear with me as I read for a bit, but I truly want you to embrace the idea of “fantasy prospecting.” I first met Jeb Blount in 2019 when he was present in Scotland, of all places, at a conference for coaches and trainers. I then went out and purchased this book right away.
Since I discuss some of these topics in my franchise sales accelerator course, I would like to share a review of a portion of the book with you. Once more, the book’s subject or title—Fanatical Prospecting—is relevant to everyone involved in franchise development or sales, whether they are business owners or founders, franchise consultants, or another type of professional. I emphasize that you should always be doing this in my course.
So let me briefly summarize some of the topics Jeb discusses in his book, Fanatical Prospecting. Self-discipline is one of the topics in the book’s opening chapters. Wow. Self-discipline is a success characteristic, not just something for this particular issue. It’s a quality of success. It is a habit that you should develop. So when Jeb discusses it in relation to prospecting, he claims that any significant failures in his life have occurred when his self-discipline had dropped or was nonexistent. Poor decisions are the result of a lack of. People will be able to smell and sense your desperation if you lack self-control and act as such.
Additionally, it usually indicates a lack of self control and a lot of wasted time. As with many other characteristics of success, Jeb advises us to engage in some prospecting each day. In order to learn success attributes, you must be a learner. The same advice applies to prospecting and sales: do a little of each successful quality or characteristic throughout the day. If you want to succeed in sales, you should do a little bit of prospecting each day.
Being proficient at connecting is now a further essential for lead generation. And one of these characteristics is the ability to develop familiarity in order to interact effectively. This occurs from a high volume of interactions with prospects or inactive customers, but Jeb claims that it typically only requires one to three touches to re-engage an inactive client. To engage a cold list or a cold prospect, however, may take up to 50 touches. Therefore, it is crucial to consider who you’re targeting when generating leads and marketing to determine between one and 50 touches for that specific lead approach. In terms of touches, how many will it take to engage them? Unless it’s a really cold list, it’s realistically between one and twenty, and then you will have to go over twenty.
So let me give you a concrete illustration of how we probably all use some of these items today. LinkedIn is the foundation of this familiarity. Who in today’s world doesn’t use LinkedIn? It’s an excellent technique to generate interest and increase familiarity with your target audience. Connection is the key. Following them, linking with them, commenting on the things they post, and engaging in a conversation of value to them are all things that will help you become familiar with them so that when you do get to the point of seriously prospecting them and having a sales conversation, you will already have the familiarity necessary to do so.
Another topic that Jeb discusses or addresses is what is known as the “What’s in it for me” approach with them. In other words, consider their needs and interests rather than your own as a seller. Always approach your messaging with a value proposition that focuses on what’s in it for the audience. Prior to attempting to sell them something, you want to meet their needs, have the answers to their problems, and provide them with value. You want to provide evidence.
The author of The Little Red Sales Bible and one of my mentors today, Jeffrey Gitomer, discusses social proof in relation to video testimonials and testimonials in general. However, if you can combine video testimonials, that is a ton of social evidence. And it will definitely get to the point of what your prospects stand to gain.
As a final thought, explain why your prospect should choose you. Jeb discusses this, saying that you want to create an approach that makes them say things like, “I’m going to say yes to connecting with them because of XYZ because of what I heard, because of the value they just gave me, I’m going to consider them for a sales need or whatever I need to be buying.” Give them a reason because it is one of the topics Jeff discusses in the book as well.
Additionally, he discusses the significance of mental toughness and its seven characteristics, including self-assurance, attention management, reducing negativity, boosting positive energy, maintaining motivational levels, attitude control, and visual and imagery control. He says you can change your thinking and you can change the game. He also talks about losing and being average. Jeb really makes the point that these are options; you may decide to put in a mediocre effort and be OK with mediocre outcomes. And that’s what you’re teaching yourself by developing subpar or negative behaviors.
Jeb’s method therefore places a strong emphasis on learning, but learning the appropriate things. He also mentions that education equals income. Therefore, outlearn them if you want to be the best salesperson, earn more money than anyone else in your business, or earn more money than anyone else in your industry. Then you’ll be able to outearn them, according to Jeb’s mentality. If I didn’t provide you with some additional information in the chapters, I would be negligent. Know that Jeb has advice on social selling, leaving messages, telephone prospecting, how to get past gatekeepers, email, prospecting, and texting in the book, which we are examining in its entirety. It’s a terrific book because it contains all of this other extremely useful material, in addition to the ones I’ve highlighted for you. I’m reviewing this book since there are so many things in it that I can apply right away and could use as takeaways.
So I encourage you to do the same and purchase the book for the same purpose. In order to do this, Jeb ends the book with a quote from Gary Ryan Blair. Do more than is necessary, advises Gary Ryan Blair. And I’d like to share with you a brief anecdote about my mother, who stood at around four feet eight inches tall. When I started working, I did so in the same office and for the same employer as my mother. She was also a very quiet woman. But before I started working there, she grabbed me aside and threatened to fire me if I didn’t give it my all. Consider the fact that I’ll be out of a job at the age of 16.
Do you believe that I have the work ethic to go above and beyond what is necessary? If so, it was wonderful to read the Gary Ryrie and Ryan Blair quotation from Jab’s book again, where he discusses going above and beyond what is necessary. Jeb then decorates it. Another similar recommendation is made by him in this book, when he advises readers to place one more call before leaving for home. So, if I could leave you with anything today, it would be Jeb’s conclusion to the book, “Fanatical Prospecting and Once More Before,” Make one more call before you decide to tie everything up and turn off your computer.