Bountiful Blessings provides non-food items to struggling families. We distribute through the churches. The families volunteer back time to the churches, as a thank you. The combination of the churches meeting the community needs and mandatory volunteerism = over 30% church growth of unchurched families. Under Bountiful Blessings is a program, Heavenly Hauler’s Ministry. This program cleans up the environment and places Bibles in the hands of people from various walks of life. The funds raised through Heavenly Hauler’s Ministry underwrite most of the expenses of Bountiful Blessings. This allows the donation dollars to go directly back to the families in the form of products.
Bethesda Mission provides housing and various recovery programs for homeless and hurting men, women, and children through our shelters as well as general support through our Community Center and Samaritan Services. Our organization seeks to bring about holistic change (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and occupationally) through investing directly into the lives of our guests over a long period of time. Bethesda Mission has six missional components that compose our Network of Compassion, which allows us to assist in all areas:
You can learn more about Bethesda Mission on our website or donate here.