Whether you are a sales representative for a franchisor, a founder of an emerging brand doing the sales yourself, or are already in the business of franchise consulting, this training will help you perfect your skills and make you more money!
Founder of Franchise Building Expert Don Schin has developed the franchise sales training by leveraging his 22 years in the industry as a multi-territory master franchisee, franchise broker/consultant, and Franchisor CEO. He’s taken all that’s been learned from these various businesses and roles, as well as exposure to all the other franchise consulting companies in the industry, the best of the best if you will, and incorporated it into our franchise selling skills training programs. So you get the best of the best techniques and resources, plus Don’s award-winning coaching, all in one place from one company.
Franchise Sales Training is delivered in various ways:
- On-line/digital course Franchise Sales Accelerator. Check out our Master class and program at the following links: and
- LIVE via webinars, in-person training days, or on-site at your company location.
- We can also deliver our training 1:1, stand-alone just to you. Ask us more about our unique, ‘shared risk’ approach to helping you become a franchise consultant.
- Ongoing franchise sales skills support and/or coaching can also be provided as an add on to your training.
Franchise Sales Accelerator Online Training Program
“How To Earn 6-Figures Leveraging a Proven Franchise Sales Roadmap to Close Deals Faster and Win More Business…Without Wasting More Time or Money”
- Make more money and faster by following a proven process for franchise sales
- Learn the franchise sales skills of a 21 year, award winning franchise executive
- Discover proven sales process that is proven and works
- Leverage tips, techniques, & strategies you can implement immediately to change your results
- How to generate a steady flow of qualified leads
- Get a refresher on things you used to do successfully in sales but somehow stopped
- Stop losing time learning “on the job”
- Move past the frustration of tire-kicking prospects
- Avoid the little mistakes you don’t even know you’re making but that are contributing to you losing sales

Franchise Sales Accelerator
Enter your description-
7 Modules
Over 55 video lessons
Monthly LIVE Q&A & Coaching Call

Franchise Professional Selling Skills Course
- Part 1-
22 Sales Training Lessons
Over 50 Sales Secrets
One Private Session
Franchise Professional Selling Skills Course - Part 1
How To Earn 6-Figures Leveraging a Proven Franchise Sales Roadmap to Close Deals Faster and Win More Business
Here’s what you get:
The complete Franchise Professional Selling Skills Course part 1
16 strategies explained which are proven to actually work
PLUS these amazing BONUSES:
- Don’s report on the 50+1 Things to do in franchise sales that’ll massively improve your sales results
($97 VALUE) - One private, 30 minute session with one of the Franchise Building Expert Consultants
($497 VALUE)
Franchise Professional Selling Skills Course - Part 2
How To Earn 6-Figures Every Year Leveraging a Proven Franchise Sales Roadmap to Close Deals Faster and Win More Business
Here’s what you’re going to get:
The complete Franchise Professional Selling Skills Course – Part 2
17 strategies explained which are proven to actually work
PLUS these amazing BONUSES:
- Don’s report on the 7 Best Practices in Franchise Development
($97 VALUE) - One private, 30 minute session with one of the Franchise Building Expert Consultants
($497 VALUE)
TOTAL VALUE $988 for only $397…

Franchise Professional Selling Skills Course
- Part 2-
17 Sales Training Lessons
7 Best Practices in Franchise Development
One Private Session

Franchise LEAD GENERATION Course
5 Keys To Building a Lead Generation Machine-
16 Lead Generation Training Lessons
13 Proven Strategies
7 Best Practices
Here’s what you’re going to get:
- 5 keys to lead generation selection and building a LG plan and machine
- 13 strategies explained, and which are proven to actually work
- 16 video course
$997 VALUE
PLUS these amazing BONUSES:
- Don’s report on the 7 Best Demonstrated Practices in Franchise Development ($97 VALUE)
- One private, 30 minute session with one of the Franchise Building Expert Consultants ($497 VALUE)
TOTAL VALUE $1591 for only $97!